Keke Tang

Keke Tang
Place of Origin \ Birthplace
Date of Birth
July 17th


159.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 6216
Like # 5805
Trash # 8682

Description \ Bio

Keke Tang is a main character in Love Live! Superstar!!. She is currently a third year student at Yuigaoka Girls' High School. She is the founder and a first-generation member of Liella! and a member of the sub-unit KALEIDOSCORE. Her image color is pastel blue. Keke has a slim figure with short gray hair with purple tints and curly tips and light blue eyes. A fun-loving and energetic optimist, Keke holds that the most important things in life are passion and a smiling face. To her, anything is possible if one never gives up, such as being a school idol. When dealing with tense or stressful situations, Keke often recalls the pithy advice her mother once gave: if her emotions were to ever run hot, it is best to "cool down" with sweets. Her mother's words being the likely inspiration for her sweet tooth, Keke believes that a scoop of ice cream can do more to wash away grouchy feelings than anything else, and could even bring about reconciliation among bickering friends. Her favorite saying is, "There is no time like the present."

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