Kiruma Souichi Husbando

Kiruma Souichi
Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
The Lie Eater
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Popularity # 41181
Like # 40370
Trash # 37897

Kiruma Souichi is the current Royal Leader (お屋形様, oyakatasama) of Kakerou and one of the most important characters of Usogui. His public persona is Hachina Naoki (蜂名 直器はちな なおき, Hachina Naoki; "Naoki Hachina"), who has a position in the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office (CIRO). Hachina is also one of the people behind the creation of the ACIA. Souichi is a young good-looking man, with a lean defined musculature, sharp pretty facial features and a distinct mole in the centre of his forehead. While assuming his normal role as the Royal Leader of Kakerou, Souichi has slicked back black hair, with a single distinctly long bang at the centre-front of his hair flowing backwards (in a manner identical to his father). In his public guise as "Hachina Naoki", he lets his hair down messily, subtly hiding his mole in the process. Souichi has the view that due to "God's will" or "destiny", he will keep on winning gambles. Though his behavior often fluctuates, and he is capricious enough to not know what to do at times, he often resorts to childish behavior, making jokes or refusing to take orders from others. Souichi feels immensely pressured by his duties and thus feels a need to be "perfect." In order to deal with the pressure, he developed a coping method where he loses stretches of his memories after making a mistake or finding himself in a bad situation. He then has to have them re-implanted by his attendants.

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