Klavier Gavin Husbando

Klavier Gavin
Original Name
Romaji Name
Kyōya Garyū
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
180.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 10317
Like # 10049
Trash # 10407

Klavier Gavin is a veteran prosecutor, and the younger brother of Apollo Justice's former mentor, Kristoph Gavin. He was also the lead vocalist and guitarist of his own rock band, the Gavinners, before they disbanded so he could continue practicing law full time. Unlike Phoenix Wright's usual opponents, Klavier Gavin is quite honest and friendly most of the time. He is cool and confident, and he likes to tease Justice when the defense attorney falters. He maintains his rock-star mannerisms in the courtroom, and he avoids investigative work, but he takes both of his jobs very seriously. While he is a perfectionist when it comes to his music, being easily angered if he hears even the smallest mistake, he is more concerned about getting the right person convicted when he is in court, which is another major difference from Wright's rivals. As well, Klavier considers his music career a hobby and his law career his real passion. He is also somewhat like Miles Edgeworth in that he shows respect for the judge, unlike some other prosecutors who frequently abuse the judge verbally or physically, or even do his job for him. Sometimes, "Guilty Love" plays in the courtroom, and Klavier sometimes makes gestures as if he is playing a solo on an invisible electric guitar. Although Klavier isn't actually German, as evidenced by his noticeably affected accent, his speech makes gratuitous use of German words, even starting his pet names for various people with "Herr" (German for "Mr.") and "Fräulein" (an historical German honorific equivalent to "Miss." that fell out of common use beginning in the 1960s) (e.g. "Herr Forehead" for Justice), and beginning several sentences with "Achtung" (Attention). Klavier would often come up with and change lyrics for his music on a whim, much to the chagrin of Daryan Crescend. He described his music as being based on feelings rather than on memories. He was once so engrossed in his music that he lost his voice and kept on singing without even realizing it. Klavier also enjoys traveling and can speak a little Borginian. Klavier tends to treat Justice more as a friend than as a rival. Klavier often calls Justice "Herr Forehead" in reference to an objection made by the latter about where a murder victim had been shot, as well as to the defense lawyer's rather large and exposed forehead. However, unlike the prosecutors whom Phoenix Wright had to face during his time as a lawyer, Klavier is pretty friendly towards Justice out of the courtroom, even talking openly to him about cases on which they are both currently working. Justice, on the other hand, doesn't seem fond of Klavier, with the prosecutor playfully teasing him, showing jealousy and a sense that Gavin is "stealing the show" during trials, as well as displaying a certain level of disdain towards Gavin's brand of loud music. Justice acts exasperated and irritated with Klavier even when they were both helping Athena Cykes with her investigation. Despite this, the two manage to work together in court, and Justice generally appreciates Klavier's help. Klavier has a vaguely similar working relationship with Ema Skye, with the prosecutor teasing her and the detective treating the "glimmerous fop" with contempt, though Ema does not seem to have a positive view of Klavier, preferring her working relationship with Nahyuta Sahdmadhi despite the latter treating her harshly. In rare cases, Klavier breaks significantly from his usual persona. When facing Wright, he showed hostility and cockiness. He also reacts severely to learning of people breaking his trust, such as when Crescend's crimes came to light. In particular, his composure progressively broke down when concerning the Gramarye case, due to his inner conflict between his desire to believe his brother and Kristoph's suspicious behavior. He respected Kristoph greatly, and became nervous when his brother was called to the stand during Vera Misham's trial. The longer Justice took to pin anything definitive on Kristoph, the more Klavier appeared to take Kristoph's side. In the end, however, he was able to resolve his inner turmoil, standing up to Kristoph despite the latter's threats.

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