Koneko Toujou, originally named Shirone is one of the female protagonists of High School DxD. At first, she is a first-year student at Kuoh Academy, prior to becoming a second-year, and a member of the Occult Research Club. She is a Nekoshou, a rare species of Nekomata, and the younger sister of Kuroka, as well as Rias Gremory's first Rook. Having become one of Issei's fiancées, then coming to terms with herself, her past, and making amends with Kuroka, Koneko started going by Shirone Toujou. Koneko is a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. Her body measurements are [B67-W57-H73 cm] [B26-W22-H29 in]. Her weight is [31 kg] [68 lbs]. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair, one of which contained the data on artificially making new Super Devils. She usually wears the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, without the shoulder cape. Koneko's height is 138 cm (4 feet 6 inches), making her one of the shortest female characters of the series. In her Nekomata form, she grows a pair of white cat ears and a pair of matching white tails, and her pupils become more cat-like. In volume 24, she gained three tails. In her "Shirone Mode" that she used for the first time in Volume 16, Koneko can make herself grow older, and her attire consists of a short white kimono and a light blue skirt. Her bust size grows significantly larger when in this mode, making her look more similar to her sister Kuroka. In the anime, during the Rating Game between Rias and Riser Phenex, she wore black fighter's gloves with pink cat pawprints on the upper palm. Due to witnessing her sister supposedly losing control over her nekomata power and killing her master, Koneko became traumatized by the event, causing her to become withdrawn into herself and stripping her of most of her emotions. As a result, Koneko originally had a quiet and cold personality, rarely showing any feelings or emotions, even when she was speaking. It is noted that her serious personality is a result of receiving influence from Rias and is antithetical to her sister's mischievous and outgoing personality. She was also the only one in the group who did not initially get along with Issei, often insulting and rebuking the latter for his perverted nature, although she reveals that she respects him for never giving up and considers him a hard worker. She shows the most concern for her comrades when they are in trouble, often lending her strength in fights. Koneko apparently has a problem with people calling her a midget (although the context of the phrase could be used to be called flat, as in bust size), as shown in her second battle against Freed Sellzen. This may stem from her insecurity about her own small body and bust size. At the end of Volume 5, Koneko experiences a change in her personality after Issei helps her overcome her fear of using Senjutsu and now starts acting like a cat, often ends her sentences with "Nya", and/or showing attraction towards Issei. Her love for Issei grows so much that, at the beginning of Volume 11, she starts to go into her mating season (though this was later stopped by her sister Kuroka). However, she still insults him when his perverted nature gets the better of him (at least when it isn't directed towards herself). Koneko has even stated that she enjoys Issei viewing her as a woman.
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