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"Honestly, it makes me happy that you've developed an interest in my body." Heroine Quirk: Pure, unabashed adoration A buxom beauty who knew Hajime many years ago, and transferred to this school in order to see him again. Kasumi's goal had been to confess her love to him all along—and that's exactly what she does, on the very day they reunite. She boldly declares that she'll allow any of his desires, lavishing him with unconditional affection. Nevertheless, she refuses to make the first move, instead using sweet words to coax Hajime into taking the initiative. Due to the straightforwardness of her approach, Hajime is constantly left to wonder if her feelings are genuine, or if she has some ulterior motive. Gentle and well-mannered, she carries with her a slight air of sophistication from her wealthy upbringing. [From NekoNyan]
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