The princess of the alien race, the Karasutengu (Crow Goblins). Like the Oni, Tengu are yet another mythological Japanese creature reinvented as an alien race. Karasutengu are a type of tengu with distinctly crow-like features. The royal line was fading away since there were no more humanoid men on her planet. To save the Kurama line she had been placed in cryogenic sleep. While she slept, her little crow goblin subjects were to search for a handsome and virtuous man who would wake her from her sleep and become her mate. By Karasutengu law she would mate with the man who woke her up from her slumber with his kiss. Kurama's mind is set completely on saving her bloodline. Because of this all-consuming drive she's usually a mean person towards others. She has an especially profound dislike of Oni. Kurama's also very superficial, she only shows interest in exceptionally handsome men. Her alien power is her ability to create powerful gusts of wind with her multi-use giant leaf. These leaves are a trait of the mythological tengu.
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