Kyoko Kirigiri, is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. She doesn't remember her talent at the beginning of the Killing Game, so her title is Ultimate ???. Years later, she is a participant of the Final Killing Game featured in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School with the other Future Foundation heads. Her past as a young teenager is explored in the novel series Danganronpa Kirigiri. At the beginning of the Killing School Life in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Kyoko appears to be young high school-aged teenager, but due to the memory loss she is two years older than she believed. She has purple eyes, and a pale complexion. She wears her long lavender hair down with a single braid on her left side, tied with a black ribbon. Kyoko's outfit consists of a dark purple collared jacket with six brown buttons over a zipped up long-sleeved white blouse and brown tie with a bird-like symbol on it. She also wears a black short skirt, heeled knee-high purple boots with equally knee-high light purple socks. She notably wears custom-made black studded gloves to conceal the burn marks on her hands she received when she was still a young detective. After joining the Future Foundation and in Danganronpa 3, Kyoko wears her hair back in a pony-tail with two parts of hair loose that go down the front of her body. Her outfit consists of a dark jacket worn over a long sleeved white blouse. She wears a brown belt, holding up a dull purple short skirt. Around her left leg she wears a brown satchel. Her shoes are heeled ankle-length boots. She still also wears her studded black gloves. During her school years, she wore black low-rise briefs with a ribbon decoration on the side. They're described as being able to "obscure her form". They are likely a joke about how in certain parts of the game you are able to see shadows under Kyoko's skirt. Kyoko is a stoic, mysterious and intelligent girl who tends to hide her feelings. She usually considered distant and cold and has a calm demeanor and tends to be completely unfazed by most of the events that occur, even at the sight of a dead body, and also seems to be independently investigating herself most of the time having no casualties in the situation. She plays major roles in discovering the mysteries of the class trials, seems to be one of the very few students who look at things objectively and the ones that don't jump to conclusions during the class trials, making her a valuable ally to Makoto. Kyoko is very sensitive regarding the subject about the Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster (who later is revealed to be her own father), going as far as to even lose her cool and react with anger when Alter ego mentioned the possibility of the principle being the mastermind(which she knew isn't true). She also doesn't like it when people keep secrets from her, as Makoto finds out. Behind Kyoko's stone cold personality, she seems to easily get emotionally upset, which is masked by her strong will. Even under calm situations, she may let her emotions get the best of her as shown when Alter Ego mentions her father, the former headmaster, and when Makoto refuses to tell her about Sakura Ogami's odd rivalry with Monokuma (assumed that Makoto suspected Sakura's betrayal). Furthermore, there are some moments that cause her to be visibly surprised, and she also blushes at Makoto during some rare situations. She appears to grow fond of him during the game, as she does show him her burned hands, after explaining that she only shows them to people she considers her family. During her Free Time Events, Kyoko says that her emotions work fine but she deliberately hides them to make herself very hard to read, but also to give others a calm and composed person to lean on. As seen in Danganronpa 3, Kyoko has changed a bit, with Kazutaka Kodaka considering her development one of his favorite parts in the anime.[4] She has become a lot more considerate of her friends and her demeanor is friendlier in their company. She is seen smiling at them and sharing physical contact, like hugging and holding hands (even taking her gloves off while holding hands with Makoto), and she trusts her friends very much. When she's with anyone but them, though, she's still very expressionless and reserved. She is also a bit sharp and annoyed in Koichi Kizakura's company. Being his boss, she is very protective of Makoto, but also admires him greatly(seen as she talks about Makoto with Ryota when Ryota says how he doesn't see much in Makoto). In Danganronpa Kirigiri, it is revealed that many of Kyoko's emotional issues are caused by the way her grandfather raised her according to the strict family traditions. The family tradition is to take no sides in order to remain as neutral as possible, because the truth has no bias, though this tradition started during a time when being a detective was a more sacred occupation. Fuhito also refused to let Kyoko see her dying mother and even appeared to encourage Kyoko to dislike her father, as he believed that detective work comes before anything else, even a death of a family member. Notably, this was the one family tradition Kyoko didn't fully agree with. Fuhito enforced the idea that her entire sense of self is wrapped up in being a detective, giving the young girl some identity issues. He was also strictly overprotective of her, telling her to not move outside after dark, forbid her from having a cell phone and always wanted to know what she is doing.
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