Kyouko Kurahashi

Kyouko Kurahashi
Original Name
倉橋 京子
Romaji Name
Kurahashi Kyōko
Appears In
Tokyo Ravens
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
170.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 9391
Like # 8468
Trash # 16532

Kyouko Kurahashi is the granddaughter of Miyo Kurahashi and heiress to the Kurahashi Clan. She is in the same class as Harutora and had a crush on Natsume, until later learning of the fact that she was female and it was actually Harutora she had made a promise with. Kyouko is a girl in her mid teens with long, dark blonde, wavy hair and purple eyes. Her hair is tied up in a bun on her left side of her head to present roses. There are purple pins underneath her bun representing leaves of roses. The rest of her wavy hair comes out from the two buns. She also has two wavy bangs that end up to her chest. Kyouko also has a very curvaceous figure, which Suzuka Dairenji is jealous of. She is usually seen with her ordinary school outfit which consists orange, white, black, with a turquoise skirt underneath. Initially, Kyouko came off as hostile to Harutora Tsuchimikado because Natsume Tsuchimikado, who she was fixated on, held her attention and was noted for having a one-sided rivalry with Natsume. After things improve she becomes more supportive and helpful, but once she learns that Natsume was female she became offended because of how long they lied to her. While things between them improved, to where she admits that Natsume was her best friend, they are separated when she is killed and then brought back to life.

drill hair onmyouji
Date User Changelist

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