Lana Skye

Lana Skye
Original Name
宝月 巴
Romaji Name
Tomoe Hōzuki
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
168.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 4626
Like # 4557
Trash # 4655

Lana Skye was the defendant in the Bruce Goodman murder case. She was the Chief Prosecutor of Los Angeles at the time, but the case exposed her involvement in forging evidence during the SL-9 Incident. Lana is very disciplined and hard-working, as evidenced by her success in law school and in the Criminal Affairs Department, all while taking care of Ema. Being left with Ema to care for has, in itself, caused Lana to have a motherly slant in her relationships with her peers as well as Ema. In Mia Fey, she found someone she could easily relate to, since they bore many similarities. Both lost their mothers when they were young, were left to look after their younger sisters, and wore scarves tied round their necks in a similar fashion. Before the SL-9 incident, Lana was described as a cheerful and happy person. She was widely liked by her peers and she in turn felt responsible for them. After the SL-9 Incident, however, she became withdrawn and cold to the point that all who knew her thought she had become a different person. During the course of the trial her demeanor became increasingly frantic, leading to more holes appearing in her testimony, as she saw Wright and Edgeworth approaching her conclusion of Ema's guilt; this became so bad that she at one point nervously bit her thumb so forcefully that she drew blood. Upon the conclusion of her trial, she returned to her pre-SL-9 self. Despite the changes in her personality over the years, there has been one constant: her love for her sister. This love was so great that she covered up Ema's supposed crime and was willing to face the death penalty rather than reveal what she believed was the truth. Ema wondered why they were growing apart, but the truth was that everything that Lana did was to protect her little sister. The rift between the two was repaired when the truth was revealed.

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