Leon 3 was a Regular assigned to the Light Bearer position. He played a minor role before being eliminated from testing. Leon 3 looked like a human male with red hair and red eyes. During the Crown Game he wore what looks like a red beanie cap, a red long sleeve shirt with a purple short sleeve turtle shirt neck over that and a dark blue one piece suit over that. He also has a light brown holster for his weapon that crosses over his chest. He was an odd character, as he hardly ever talked and he teamed up with a very odd pair. He teamed up with Aleksai Amigochaz and Chungchung on the Second Floor after the "Deathmatch" Test and then managed to pass Lero-Ro's Test. Leon 3's team decided to participate in the Crown Game and entered in round three. Leon fought Koon while trying to seize the crown, but was defeated and in the process knocked out his team-mate Aleksai Amigochaz.
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