She idolizes Fubuki and would do anything for her leader, even work part time jobs overnight to get the Blizzard Group their own car. Otherwise, she's portrayed as a girl who takes her job as a hero seriously. Lily is a young girl with fair skin and bluish-purple eyes. Her most noticeable trait in her appearance is her long, black hair, which is always seen in a high-ponytail with bangs covering the right side of her face, a single light blue highlight and a white lily flower on the top of her head. She wears a standard business suit like most members of the Blizzard Group. Lily's early appearance had no highlights and a ribbon instead of a flower she wears currently. She idolizes Fubuki and is very loyal to her. Lily also would do anything for her leader, even work part time jobs overnight to raise money so the Blizzard Group can get their own car. Otherwise, she's portrayed as a girl who takes her job as a hero seriously.
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