The eldest sister of Nian and Dusk and the third eldest among all the "siblings" of Sui, Ling is a carefree, alcoholic poet whose power dubbed Xiao Yao (lit. "Freedom") has the ability to bend reality, space, and time in the form of dreams. She is also a brilliant military strategist who once served Yan to guard the northern borders for almost a century. She then wandered around the country after fulfilling her task until she decided to settle in the missing eighteenth peak of Shangshu. However, as the evil siblings and Yan begin their move to revive the ancient deity, she would not be a sitting duck. Rather, she voluntarily joins Nian's plan to reunite other siblings and is happy defy her own destiny. After the Shangshu incident, Ling was given the permission by the Bureau of Sui and the Grand Tutor to follow Nian and Dusk and joined Rhodes Island. While she remains an unofficial member of R.I., Ling offers her aid as a tactician in combat using her century-old strategies and her own summons created by her poetic mouth. She also acts as the middlewoman between R.I. and the Bureau of Sui so that R.I. is able to assist in Nian's grand mission. And thanks to her presence, Nian and Dusk no longer argue with each other or slack off, but instead fully obey her words all the time.
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