Lotta Hart is a fiery-tempered photographer who appeared as a witness in several of Phoenix Wright's cases, with much of the photographic evidence in said cases coming from her. According to her, Hart was born and raised in the "Heart of the Heartland". She managed to purchase a camera worth $1,600 for $700 after a 5 hour discussion with the seller, and by scratching the camera. She was originally at college, but after believing to have taken a picture of a "yoofoh" (U.F.O.) in her sister's graduation photograph, she left college to become an "investigative photographer". Hart is fierce and loud, but well-meaning. She defends her secrets ferociously, but she is always willing to help Wright and Edgeworth, just not for free. Hart is often single-minded in the pursuit of her goals and gets aggravated if she thinks people are mocking her or her homeland. Nonetheless, it is easy to get her to spill information once she calms down, or when acquaintances such as Nicole Swift are brought up. Although she was a paranormal photographer at one point, she is "really bad when it comes to blood and ghosts and stuff"; leaping into situations without forethought is another character trait of hers. Hart also had a habit of changing her job each time Wright met her, although it usually incorporated her photography abilities. Hart has a strong southern accent. Because of this, many people have a problem understanding what she is saying. This is also because she has a habit of shortening sentences into short phrases that she has invented, such as saying, "Reckon course!" which means, "Ya reckon? Of course I did!" Her accent and manner of speech have made some people think negatively of her, such as Franziska von Karma and Morgan Fey, the latter even believing her to be from a different country altogether. Nonetheless, with some effort, she is able to speak without her accent (or, in her words, "talk Yank").
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