Lucrezia de Dormentaire

Lucrezia de Dormentaire
Original Name
Romaji Name
Rukuretshia de Dorumenteru
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Popularity # 40729
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Trash # 34438

Lady Lucrezia de Dormentaire is a member of the House of Dormentaire, a wealthy and powerful Spanish noble family. She fakes her own death in 1711, publicly detaching herself from her family and the rest of the European aristocratic scene. As a complete immortal, Lucrezia is still alive as of 2003. Lucrezia is highly self-motivated, pursuing whatever catches her fancy or is advantageous to her own interests. In spite of her privileged position, Lucrezia has no interest in politics or warfare; instead, she is a hedonist who shamelessly embraces her greed and pursues her own pleasures. These include carnal pleasures, as she is openly sexual and extremely flirtatious with a sultry air, consorting with both men and women equally. Those who encounter her usually find her incredibly alluring and charismatic. As someone who is unshakably confident in her own decisions to the point of narcissism, she has never been seen second-guessing herself or thinking that she might be in the wrong. Her self-absorption is also evident in her relentless teasing of her companions and the delight she takes in watching their reactions; as much as she appreciates seeing them happy, she is often eager to see them surprised, startled, vexed or otherwise off-kilter even if the context she creates for those emotions is not a positive one. Ultimately, Lucrezia is not so much actively malicious as she is incredibly greedy, self-centered, and somewhat immoral, her hedonism and avarice enabled by incredible power and wealth that has allowed her to do and obtain whatever she wants since birth. With her upbringing almost certainly ensuring that she has never strongly felt or experienced the consequences of her actions, she is less-equipped to consider that her actions may have serious consequences for those she cares about. From her perspective, her schemes may as well be 'harmless' pranks because they are temporary; she has never known what it is like to not be in on the joke. While her eagerness for her own entertainment and self-gratification often comes at the expense of others, she does genuinely delight in others' company and gives each and every one of her lovers equal affection. It is because she is a Dormentaire that she can afford to love so many people with equal passion, and it is because she is an unrepentant hedonist that she wants to. In the original Japanese, Lucrezia often uses -chan—when addressing others. This habit has been translated as various forms of endearment, including "sweetheart," "dear," and "darling."

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