Lum, sometimes called Lum Invader, is the female protagonist of Urusei Yatsura. She is a Oni alien hailing from the planet Oniboshi. She was chosen to represent her kind in a game of tag against a human named Ataru Moroboshi to determine to fate of planet Earth. After Ataru defeated her she misunderstands his victory chants as a proposal to marry her thus she forces herself into his life and becomes Ataru's loving "wife' much to the latters chagrin. Lum is shown to be a very beautiful and voluptuous young woman with yellow eyes and light blue shoulder length hair (green in the original anime). Like all of her kind she has sharp teeth, pointy ears and small yellow horns. For her everyday attire she wears a yellow tiger striped bikini with matching boots. When she is attending Tomobiki high school she wears the basic navy blue sailor suit for female students. Lum's a sweet, innocent, faithful, and good-natured girl, but she can also get jealous and get hot-tempered, usually due to Ataru and his incessant addiction of flirting. However, in early chapters of the manga and at least till the start of season 2 of the anime, Lum had a nasty streak, almost antagonistic towards many of the characters. She even hatched schemes to be with Ataru when Shinobu was involved.
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