Makoto Suzuki is a friend of Takemichi Hanagaki. Makoto has dark slicked back hair that ends in a mullet, black eyes, and big lips. He is often seen wearing the standard middle school uniform but he hangs his pants low on his hips. He wears a pair of black and white sneakers for footwear. In Takemichi's own words, Makoto likes to fondle with himself. He frequently reads erotic books and purchases DVDs of the same genre, often having dreams about them. In addition to his playful personality, Makoto is loyal to Takemichi and his friends from Shibuya Middle, proven when he and the rest of his friends showed up to assist Takemichi in the rematch fight against Masataka Kiyomizu. He also cares for his health, showing concern when Takemichi was heavily beaten up and wounded by Kiyomasa during their first match. He has shown typical behavior of a delinquent's when he attempted to taunt Kazutora Hanemiya on their first meeting, but instantly stopped when he was told to do so. Like most of his friends from Shibuya Middle, Makoto does not bear the best fighting skills. However, due to his great interest in reading comics, he has picked up a few wrestling moves, one of which is a notable move called "Octopus Hold."
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