Makoto Takiya is a supporting character in Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. He is Kobayashi's friend and her coworker in Jigokumeguri System Engineering Inc. Takiya is a tall man with black hair, dark blue eyes and a slim build. His office attire typically consists of a white button-down shirt, dark slacks, a blue necktie, and brown leather shoes. Once he reverts to his otaku self, he dons a pair of glasses with swirls on the lenses and somehow develops buck teeth. His voice also gets a bit more high pitched too. Takiya is good-natured and even-tempered (he takes surprises in stride), and is considerate of others by lending a helping hand. As a closet otaku, he can be especially passionate and loud about his interests. When drunk, he and Kobayashi usually argue, ranting about maids and other things, and he sometimes calls Tohru's outfit "Cosplay".
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