Mama Lightning

Mama Lightning
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Popularity # 41633
Like # 41859
Trash # 32375

Mama Lightning is the mother of Remi and Rei and an elite-tier user of Lightning. Mama Lightning is a middle-aged woman. It is clear that Remi inherited her brown eyes and hairstyle, while Rei inherited her turquoise hair color. In her only canon appearance, she wears a blue apron over a yellow plaid shirt. She also wears bows a blue bow on the back of her hair. It's quite clear that the reason Rei and Remi are some of the only decent human beings in this universe is because of her parenting; raising the two of them up to be good people. During her conversation with Rei, she scolds Rei for talking about someone's Power Level since the only thing that should matter is that Rei is already strong, and that he shouldn't be pressured to follow someone else just because they have a higher Power Level. When she was in high school, she was often antagonized by this girl who spread nasty rumours about her. (Apparently, this had something to do with levels and the hierarchy, as most things do in unORDINARY.) These experiences molded her into a woman who advocated standing up for yourself in the face of peer pressure. She raised her children to adopt these values.

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