Manami Aiba

Manami Aiba
Original Name
Romaji Name
Aiba Manami
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
February 14th
111.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 1397
Like # 1660
Trash # 653

Manami Aiba, also known as La Brava, is a former villain associated with Gentle. She is a side antagonist of the U.A. School Festival Arc. During the Final War, Manami sides with the Heroes, aiding Naomasa Tsukauchi and the Counter-Force in fighting the Paranormal Liberation Front. Manami is a very short young woman with quite a large, round head compared to her narrow body. She has raspberry pink hair, which she wears up in two high pigtails: wide and thick at the top and thin at the bottom, the ends curved upwards to the sides at her waist, their edges trimmed straight. She has a single bang in the middle of her forehead, swept pointedly to her right, and very large, pointed-down eyes with dark rings on the underside of each, two longer eyelashes to each far side, which take up most of her face. Her irises are oval-shaped, pink in color, and each has two circles between their small pupils and their rims, giving them a rather hypnotic look. After spending a long time secluded in her home and staring at her computer, she developed dark circles around her eyes. Manami's outfit is quite elaborate, consisting of a big white bow at her neck, matching the thick white gloves she wears, an indigo shirt with large buttons and long, upturned frilly sleeve cuffs, and a pair of white, pinstriped pants which are very poofy, making her legs seem bigger than they are. She sports several heart motifs, such as heart earrings, heart-shaped buckles on the two thin, golden belts around her waist, and a wide heart design over the tops of her legs. She also wears dark tights underneath her pants, over which she wears a pair of shiny high-heeled boots. In middle school, Manami was far smaller, having the appearance of a young child. Her pigtails were much shorter and she wore an ordinary school-issued seifuku, a long-sleeved double breasted shirt with a sailor-style collar and a short red tie with a dark navy blue skirt. Manami is a loyal fan and admirer of Danjuro, making sure to record his acts to subsequently post them online, following Danjuro's instructions to interrupt a stream if needed. Despite knowing about his strength and abilities, Manami becomes worried if Danjuro finds himself in potential danger. Manami is in love with Danjuro, as shown through her Quirk, Love, as well as her undying admiration for him. Having been grateful for Danjuro taking her in and accepting her, Manami is willing to help him no matter what. She also showed to be angry with Danjuro's lack of recognition, as well as angry at the Hero Killer: Stain for having robbed his spotlight with a video of his backstory. When Manami was a younger girl, she professed her love to a different boy through a love letter, telling him that she was completely smitten. She seems to fall in love quite freely, and when she does, quite deeply. Unfortunately, this also made her sensitive to rejection as seen when her crush rejected her letter and even badmouthed her as a stalker. This caused Manami to fall into a deep depression where she became a withdrawn shut-in who had no aspirations, spending every day glued to her computer and even contemplating suicide. Upon seeing Danjuro's videos, however, her hope and energy were both fully restored, with Manami willing to help and accompany him even with the acts of doing so making her a criminal as well. While Manami admires Danjuro almost blindly, she has no problem with boasting over herself as well, such as when she pointed out that her hacking expertise was a key component in their plan to infiltrate U.A. High School. She also doesn't mind doing something illegal if it means helping Danjuro or getting closer to him. The first example of this was when she hacked into his account so she could get his address and meet her idol in person, despite apologizing for it.

purple eyes short earrings pigtails pink eyes red hair twintails
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