Manga Fukidashi, also known as Comicman, is a student in Class 1-B at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero. Manga is a very short young man with fair skin and a blank, pale-white speech bubble as a head and neck which can change shape and display his thoughts in written form. Manga's hero costume consists of a blue shirt with red sleeves and pants covered by a series of ink bottle-like pieces of armor around his torso and legs, black on his torso and white on his legs. He wears a belt with manga panels, elbow under-length gloves, and his mask resembles a manga page template. Manga appears to be an expressive and dramatic person, evident by his enthusiasm during the Cavalry Battle and Joint Training Battle with Class 1-A. He also seems to have a soft spot for children as he enjoys making them smile.
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