Masumi Sera is a high school detective in the manga and anime franchise Detective Conan. She is the younger sister of FBI agent Shuichi Akai and shogi player Shukichi Haneda. Also a practitioner of the martial art Jeet Kune Do. At first, she wears a grey fedora that used to belong to Shuichi Akai and a dark jacket which gives her an androgynous appearance. When she transfers to Teitan High, she gets rid of her fedora and wears female clothing. Her hair is dark, wavy, and short; it doesn't even touch her shoulders. Even then, she is rather tomboyish; Genta mistakes her for a man, and Sonoko comments she has a petite figure. Later, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Hattori comment that her breasts are rather small. Masumi also has an uneven tooth that shows when she smiles. Masumi and her brother Shuichi presumably more closely resemble their mother than their father. Masumi has a cheery, sociable, boyish personality and is well liked by her classmates at Teitan High. On their first meeting, Masumi fails to correct Sonoko's mistaken impression that she is a man and even makes it worse by declaring that Ran is "[her] type". Her rather boyish appearance - especially in relation with her flat chest - is a bit of a touchy subject to Masumi, who claims that her mother's bust size is rather well developed and keeps expressing her hope that someday her own chest size will similarly change for her. Masumi is quite quick-minded, coming up with clever plans and adapting them to sudden changes rapidly. Masumi seems to be prone to dramatics like most detectives are, but perhaps to a lesser degree than Shinichi or Heiji as she bluntly says who the criminal is without preamble. On the other hand, Masumi is tough to the point that she is willing to risk all to achieve a successful conclusion of a case. In one instance, she purposefully lured a hostage-taker into a sniper's sight with a smile, hoping he would be shot without showing any apprehension about his possible demise. Although she has crime scene experience, Masumi seems to be less skilled as a detective than Shinichi or Heiji, apparently missing a critical clue that was necessary to understand how the murderer's setup worked, although Conan opines that Masumi purposely made an error in order to test him. In some degree, she seems to like rivalry or contests to see who is the winner. Sera's catchphrase upon the conclusion of a case is "case closed". Sera shows a protective and caring side towards Conan, as seen in the Detectives Nocturne and in the beginning of the Red Woman case when she helps Conan up after falling, as well as having it made clear in the Haunted Hotel case that she was also clearly investigating Conan before they first met, as she knew he was a detective. It’s likely to believe that them being on the same bus was not an accident, which could even lead to be argued that she somehow hinted to them about the cake buffet so they would be on the same bus as her. It is safe to assume though she was, and possibly still is, investigating Conan. Sera's way of referring to her parents as 'Mama' and 'Papa' indicates a privileged background. Unlike other girls, Masumi don't scream at seeing a dead body.
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