Hailing from the Crystal Sea, Mer-Man was an aquatic ocean warlord in service to Skeletor. Though he reported to Skeletor at Snake Mountain, Mer-Man usually dwelled within the seas themselves, and often operated independently of Skeletor and the other Evil Warriors; engineering his own water-based schemes. Mer-Man had telepathic abilities which allowed him to control other sea creatures, and had own aquatic henchmen who served as his footsoldiers. Mer-Man once attempted to sacrifice Zoar to the Sea Demon, Bakkull, which would have allowed him to command Bakkull, the mightiest of the sea demons. The plan was foiled when Zoar was rescued by Man-At-Arms. Twenty years later, Mer-Man attempted to sacrifice Man-At-Arms' daughter, Teela to the same demon, but was foiled again, this time by He-Man and Zoar. Mer-Man would later strike out alone, using the Pearl of Power to subjugate the underwater city of Aquatica and mind control its people. He also attempted to seal the Variable High-frequency Oscillator for his own sinister ends. DC comics appearance: Masters of the Universe (1982—1983)
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