Minamoto no Yorimitsu

Minamoto no Yorimitsu
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Minamoto no Yorimitsu is a Boss/Enemy and a NPC in Nioh 2. She is a demon slayer of the past who also wields the Sohayamaru. She summons forth giant Yokai that helps her in battle Minamoto no Yorimitsu, often known as Raiko, is a military commander from the mid-Heian period. She is renowned for her valor, having slain countless yokai with a sword passed down through generations of the Minamoto clan. There are many legends that tell of her exploits with her most loyal retainers, the Four Guardians (Watanabe no Tsuna, Sakata no Kintoki, Usui Sadamitsu, and Urabe no Suetake), Such as their defeat of the yokai Shuten Doji and Tsuchigumo. Contrary to the generally accepted historical record, Minamoto no Yorimitsu was a woman. Her younger brother, who also went by the name Raiko, was active in the politics of the time, building his reputation on his sister's achievements. The legend of Minamoto no Yorimitsu that reaches us today in fact consists of the intertwined exploits of these siblings. In the midst of the burning capital, Yorimitsu utilizes the Nigitama stored in her box of Soul Cores to battle the encroaching fiends. Seeing the protagonist's horns, she assumes that the protagonist must also be a demon, and attacks them accordingly. The two warriors are equally matched, but during their fight, Yorimitsu catches sight of the protagonist's blade- the same yokai-slaying blade of her family. She grows even more suspicious of the protagonist's identity, but Kintoki interrupts their battle before she can learn more. She is told that she is needed at the Rashomon gate and heads there at once, leaving the protagonist for later. Yorimitsu and Kintoki hurry to Rashomon and battle Tsuchigumo valiantly, but when they end up trapped by its sticky web, the protagonist must finish the fight in their stead. After Tsuchigumo's defeat, Ashiya Doman reveals himself as the true mastermind behind recent events. Yorimitsu attempts to get the Nigitama from her box of Soul Cores to attack him, but Doman's dark magic transforms her Nigitama into violent Aratama. Just as the situation becomes precarious, Yorimitsu's ally, Abe no Seimei, appears on the scene and exorcizes the evil yokai. When the dust has finally settled, Seimei entreats the protagonist to aid them in restoring peace to the capital. Yorimitsu finally acknowledges the protagonist as an ally.

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