Miyabi Ito is a student at Suzaku High School and a member of the Supernatural Studies Club. Miyabi is a slender girl with short dark maroon hair (she used to have longer hair in junior high school) that has square bangs swept to the left side, orange eyes (originally blue), average-sized breasts and she is noticeably shorter than the other females with the exception of Noa Takigawa. Like most characters, she wears a school uniform. Although Miyabi is a considerably attractive and cheerful girl, due to her being a fan of the supernatural phenomenons and alike, she is considered among her peers to be a fraud and liar. Because of this, she didn't have any friends at all. Her attempts to show off (fake) items and psychic power also doesn't help with this. She was very happy to find that Ryu Yamada, Urara Shiraishi and Toranosuke Miyamura are interested in Supernatural things like her, and become very frustrated when she believed that they only use the club as a front for them to make out. Nevertheless, when explained the truth of the witch power, Miyabi forgives them and joins the club and finally finds the friends that she has been looking for. Although she is an easygoing girl, she has also been known to lose her temper and be very quarrelsome from time to time.
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