Mocha Hoto

Mocha Hoto
Place of Origin \ Birthplace
Date of Birth
March 13th 2017


Blood Type
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Popularity # 6172
Like # 5657
Trash # 9504

Description \ Bio

Mocha Hoto is the older sister of Cocoa Hoto and a character of the Is the Order a Rabbit? manga series. Starting with Season 2, she began appearing in the anime. Mocha has long, light caramel-brown hair that goes past her chest with the ends curled and a small amount pulled into a side-tail held with a floral ornament. Her bangs face the right of her head witha thin part curled on top of them. She has Tareme eyes in the same color as Cocoa's, but they appear to be more drooped. Mocha is a lot like Cocoa. She can be air-headed and adores cute things, and is very gentle and kind to others. However, she has the aura of a big sister and seems to be very dependable by others. She is known for being more talented than Cocoa, but while she appears to have no flaws or weaknesses, she is very lonely without Cocoa. She carries a rolling pin around with her and likes surprising others.

airhead bangs brown hair chest-length hair purple eyes japanese
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