Morgan Fey was the head of a Fey clan branch family, and the mother of Pearl Fey, Iris, and Dahlia Hawthorne. She has tried twice to put Pearl in the Kurain Master's seat, first by attempting to frame Maya Fey for murder and then by conspiring with Hawthorne to kill her. Morgan Fey is a well-spoken woman and has high expectations of people visiting Kurain Village to respect the traditions of the village. Her hairstyle and kimono attire, as well as her habit of referring to people as "good sir" or "good madam", reflect this adherence to tradition. She also has passion for the Fey family heirlooms and would spank her daughter Pearl if she broke them. Morgan seemed at first glance to be a calm woman who was apologetic at times for being a "lowly" branch family member, but was revealed to be cold and bitter. Even her murderous daughter Dahlia Hawthorne described her as being cold, twisted, horrible, bitter and vengeful. Her niece, Mia, also felt that Morgan is extremely sly and smart, which is demonstrated by her ability to fool an entire courtroom with a well-constructed testimony to clear any suspicion from herself and implicate Maya even further during her trial. Morgan was extremely overprotective when it came to Pearl, and she tended to view outsiders, especially Wright, with disdain. Morgan considered Pearl her most valued treasure, and her crimes were intended to make Pearl the next Master of Kurain. Hawthorne, however, once suggested that Morgan cared only about Pearl's ability to become the next Master. Morgan is known to make "lovely bitter green tea" that was "so bitter you lose your tongue", along with "jaw-droppingly large strawberry desserts". Detective Gumshoe got to try one of the desserts, and even Dr. Grey was given "some sort of traditional dessert the size of a tea saucer". When Gumshoe bragged about having one of the desserts to Wright later, the latter expressed regret at not having the opportunity. Mia was also familiar with them, telling Wright that he was "softer than Aunt Morgan's strawberry desserts" when he got overconfident in court.
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