Mysta Rias Husbando

Mysta Rias
Original Name
Romaji Name
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
January 20th
177.00 cm
Blood Type
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Popularity # 19048
Like # 17874
Trash # 24416

Mysta Rias was a male English Virtual YouTuber affiliated with NIJISANJI EN's fourth wave "Luxiem," alongside Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Ike Eveland, and Vox Akuma. He has short, greyish hair with orange sunglasses and a kitsune inspired hat. He has black glove and an orange shirt with multiple shades of orange and brown and vertical stripes with silhouettes of dogs on them as well. As described in his profile, Mysta is known for his eccentric nature, characterized by his loud and outspoken way of speaking, humorous and bizarre personality, and proneness to swearing. What his profile doesn't accurately testify is the fact that he is a "natural-born genius", as noticed by his peers and fans, he doesn't have knowledge on certain common knowledge, such as what e coli is, the fact that chickens can't fly, cooking knowledge (see the cooking and food-related incidents section), etc. Despite that, Mysta also has a sense of maturity, being able to straightforwardly discuss serious topics and address them when needed. Fitting for his detective lore, Mysta can be extremely observant at times. While he presents himself as talkative and bombastic on-stream, Mysta has stated that he is actually fairly shy when he isn't streaming.

gray hair pale skin bangs choker grey hair shades sunglasses vtuber
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