Nagisa Kashiwagi is a supporting character in the Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai series. She is a third-year high school student at Shuchi'in Academy, the president of the Volunteering Club, a close friend of Maki Shijo and the girlfriend of Tsubasa Tanuma. Nagisa is a young girl with short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a double-banded hairpin on the left side. She wears the standard Shuchi'in Academy high school uniform. Nagisa has a friendly demeanor to people especially to her classmates who cares a lot about Tsubasa Tanuma and Maki Shijo. She exhibits many typical girlfriend behaviors such as talking a lot, being moody, or even jealousy to the point where she hires a private detective to spy on her boyfriend to see if he is having an affair, later making up with him by being very physically bold and passionate.
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