Neito Monoma, also known as Phantom Thief, is a student in Class 1-B at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero. Neito is shown to be a calm, collected and intelligent young man. Among Class 1-B's students, he's the most fervent about wanting to topple Class 1-A's popularity. He can also be disagreeable, sarcastic, and vocal when around the rivalling class. He seems to be jealous of Class 1-A's popularity and is prejudice towards them, but also worries that because they're always getting into trouble, they will also get the rest of the school in trouble, too. When he hears that Class 1-A fails in some way, he will usually laugh out loud and passive-aggressively ask how it's possible for them to fail since they are meant to be the superior class.
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