Niccolo Husbando

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Popularity # 9664
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Trash # 6221

Description \ Bio

Niccolo (ニコロ Nikoro) is a former Marleyan soldier who served on Marley's Navy and was part of the first survey fleet to Paradis Island after the failed Paradis Island Operation. After being taken captive, he begins working on the island as a chef for the Eldian Military. Niccolo is a young Marleyan man of short stature and slim build. He has a petite pointed nose and is blond, with his hair falling to the sides, looking like he has an undercut. He wears the standard Marleyan military uniform. While visiting the cemetery, Niccolo wears a black suit and tie. Niccolo was at first a very typical Marleyan, fearing the Eldians of Paradis Island and calling them devils. He was very disgusted with having been captured by them and having to live by their side, but after spending a lot of time with the Survey Corps, he and his comrades have developed grudging respect and shaky friendships with the ones they once thought of as devils. Niccolo seems to be somewhat courageous, disregarding his own life to beg his fellow soldiers to kill the islanders despite being held at gun point by them. He is also shown to be willing to risk ruining his relationship with his friends in order to keep them safe, deriding Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein for their Eldian status in an attempt to keep them from drinking wine laced with Zeke Yeager's spinal fluid. Despite this, Niccolo had demonstrated a vengeful side: upon learning of Gabi's identity as Sasha's murderer, he went into a raging frenzy, punching Gabi in the face, bringing her in front of Sasha's family and offering Mr. Blouse a knife to kill Gabi, stating that he would do it if Mr. Blouse did not. Furthermore, when the other soldiers arrived, Niccolo grabbed the knife and held it to Falco's neck, telling everyone to stay back. However, after hearing Mr. Blouse's speech and his willingness to forgive Gabi, he immediately felt great regret for what he did, and was inspired to become a better person as a result.

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