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Niji Ebina was a curse using serial killer who aligned himself with Pseudo-Geto during the Shibuya Incident. Ebina was a muscular man with a face without lips or eyelids. His eyes are blue, with them always wide open, they stuck out. His gums and teeth were always showing as well. He had pale brown hair fashioned into a bowl-cut, which was mostly covered by a green, chameleon-like curse that acts as his headwear. He wears nothing except for a pair of black jeans fastened by a black belt, and brown shoes. Not much is known about Ebina's personality. It can be assumed he had a questionable moral code, aligning himself with Geto and his plan to seal Satoru Gojo. He was initially excited to take on the task attempting of killing Mei Mei[1] but cowered in fear when she easily defeated him. Mei Mei believes the reason Ebina was defeated is that he doesn't understand the value of life despite being a serial killer.
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