Nine was a Villain and the main antagonist of My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising. Nine possessed a very calm and apathetic demeanor, usually showing little to no emotion regardless of the situation. He also had a great deal of composure, as seen by his refusal to attack anyone unless provoked, as well as using his Quirks exclusively in a defensive manner. If pushed enough, however, he was prone to violent fits of rage. He would also completely abandon any restraint in those moments, demonstrated by him attempting to choke Mahoro to death in order to force Katsuma into getting his Quirk taken. Despite his overwhelming strength, Nine was very humble, and greatly valued those who demonstrated impressive strength by his standard, be it ally or enemy. Weather Manipulation: Nine's Quirk allowed him to control the weather; allowing him to summon destructive thunderstorms in an instant and even create a powerful tornado with himself at the epicenter. However, according to Nine, his Quirk was too powerful for him to wield and it resulted in the destruction of his body's cellular tissue.
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