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Popularity # 18042
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Patty is a recurring character from the Dragon Quest series, serving as the party planner in several games. Patty displays some personality in her brief dialogue in the older titles, being a perpetually cheery aid eager to set up the perfect adventuring party for the main character. Patty against a more distinct personality in IX, being presented as a woman of the world whose stubbornness is exceeded only by her compassion for others. Referring to her friends as "dear", "honey" or "sweetie" in conversation, including the hero, she caries herself as an older sister of sorts. Her bullheadedness allows her to overcome hardships that would make others flinch, as demonstrated when she walked all the way from Stornway to Angel Falls on the mere possibility to convince Erinn's father to return back to Stornway. She is also a women of courage, shown when she went in to the Hexagon after a recent earthquake and explores the entire ruin before encountering the Hexagoon. Patty is depicted as a tall woman with long blue hair wearing it in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her attire is that of a female bar-tender, donning a revealing red/white blouse and a orange dress and wears brown boots. She wears gold bracelets on each of her wrists, and ties her hair with a large black bow.

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