
Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Brave Frontier
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Popularity # 38269
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Trash # 36381

The daughter of a middling merchant family, Persenet grew up with the best tutors and upbringing that money could buy. A daring child prodigy, she soon became quite the headache for her family as she kept pestering her tutors (and later, complete strangers) with the oddest of questions about heka, their unique form of word-magic. Thankfully, the priests learned about her skill and \"encouraged\" her family to allow her to join the priesthood, where she could continue her studies under the proper tutelage - and more importantly, away from any potential troublemakers or temptations. It was here that she mastered the magical arts, often spending time in the evening hours honing her skills by herself. It was here that she met a softly-spoken priestess who seemed to have a habit of sneaking out at night. Curious, she followed her and discovered that she was responsible for feeding the sick and homeless with what scraps were left from the temple meals. A little convincing was all it took for her to join the priestess in her nocturnal excursions, and soon they spent much time together with her bodyguard. But ill omens seemed to slowly stalk her shadow, and her unease grew until a shard of celestial power somehow found its way into her soul. As the earthly and divine mingled, she could not help her body suddenly changing subtly to accommodate the godhood that she had suddenly gained... Persenet opened her eyes and beheld the world from a new perspective - and one that she was going to have to get used to in a hurry. She could already feel the aching, trembling divide between the material and immaterial, with skeletal shadows huddled over at the edges of her vision. Acting quickly, she headed to the palace, where she found out that her erstwhile companions had killed the God-King in self-defense. As they discussed what to do, she could feel a slow, steady pulse of energy coming from the east. She decided that matters at the palace could be handled by her friends - she had to investigate the pulses, and soon. As she traveled eastward, she saw for herself the extent of the damage that the God-King's manipulation of magic had done, and the slowly growing tide of refugees heading westward who sought refuge from the rising dead. Her investigations showed that the further east she traveled, the more often the unliving were reported to rove the land, hungry for flesh and blood. Her arrival at the energy's origin confirmed her worst fears: the wall, originally meant to keep the desert out, was now the last defense of the living against the hungry zombies that stormed its ramparts. She realized that the hordes were growing in size, more than she and the defenders could handle. With a single breath, she sent a hasty message to her friends for aid, just in time for the worst monsters of the God-King's undead legions to crest the horizon...

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