Pursena Adoldia is a member of the Dorudia Tribe. Debuting at the Ranoa Magic Academy alongside Linia, they were delinquents who terrorized the school until Rudeus put them in check. Following her graduation, however, she was imprisoned by her tribe for stealing food. Fortunately, she was released by Rudeus, after which she became his maid. Pursena has long gray hair and brown eyes, with a pair of drooping dog ears on top of her head and a fluffy tail behind indicating her Adoldia heritage. She is very well-endowed even by beast race standards, more so than Linia. Pursena is abrasive and haughty, having the tendency to shift the blame away from herself when she gets into trouble. Together with Linia Dedoldia, they are the two troublemakers in the Ranoa Magic Academy, but when it comes to fulfilling her dreams of becoming the Village Chief, she will do her best. She is a glutton when it comes to meat, constantly snacking on them wherever she goes during her school days.
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