Yumiya Rakko is a character introduced in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun. A student of Private Shidarezakura Academy, she is also an operative of School and was its sniper before Sunazara Chimitsu. Rakko appears as a normal girl with long black hair and wears it with two pigtails. She normally wears her school uniform, but when on a mission she wears a pouch belt, alongside her long-sleeve shirt to conceal her weapons and a black skirt. Underneath she wears a black full bodysuit, which when worn with her outfit makes it look like she's wearing stockings. After being defeated and blown up by Frenda, she later gets an eyepatch and a beak-like mouth covering her jaw, mouth, and nose, allowing her to speak in a high-pitched robotic voice. Her demeanor in school is in stark contrast to her demeanor during missions. In school, she is a shy girl that gets easily flustered to the point that she stutters, and has dreams of becoming popular at school and becoming an idol. During missions she is very serious and appears to enjoy her mission especially if her target has irritated her, as shown when she smiles after shooting Frenda Seivelun down. Indeed, Frenda compares her sadism to hers, enjoying the thrill of hunting down a target until the last minute in order to hear how they will plead for mercy. Despite her inability to make friends, she is apparently well-liked in her school, enough for classmates to invite her to go outside of the School Garden with them. As such, her being a loner is her own misconception. Initially jealous of Frenda and Saten's friendship, especially Frenda's apparent "popularity" compared to hers, she gains a twisted definition of friendship after Frenda beats her, believing that Frenda doing her best against her as a sign of friendship.
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