Redd White was the chief executive officer of Bluecorp. He used the company to gather scandalous information of various big-name individuals including celebrities, people in finance, and even high-ranking officials in the prosecutor's office. He then blackmailed the individuals into doing his bidding, many of whom would eventually be driven to suicide. Fifteen years later, White and his secretary April May began to keep tabs on Mia Fey, Misty's older daughter and a talented defense attorney. She had spent most of her life gathering evidence to take him down, and she had just had a phone conversation with her younger sister Maya Fey, telling her to hold on to evidence that was stored in a clock shaped like The Thinker. A little before 9:00 on the night of September 5th, White came into Mia's office to take the evidence and destroy it. To make sure Mia stayed quiet about his business practices, he grabbed the clock from Mia's desk and smashed it into her skull, killing her almost immediately. He wrote the name "Maya" with Mia's blood to pin the blame on Maya, who arrived shortly after White escaped. To guarantee the success of his plan further, he had April May call the police and testify that she saw Maya kill Mia. White had an arrogant, flamboyant, self-centered and abrasive personality. He tended to view others as beneath him and was extremely egocentric, naming his company after his favorite color and modeling various statues in his office in his own image. White's suit was studded with diamonds and he wore a ring on each finger in order to show off the wealth he had "earned". He considered himself above the law, as his blackmailing allowed control over the police, lawyers, and judges. He also had no problem with using allies as scapegoats, as shown by his treatment of April May after the wiretapping was uncovered. White appeared to be a quite violent man (even without taking his murder of Mia into account), as he punched Wright just to demonstrate his immunity to the law. White seemed to think himself highly educated with a wide vocabulary, but in fact he misused a great deal of the words he used, going out of his way to make his language seem as flamboyant as possible. His speech also contained a scattering of misused Spanish phrases, as well as several other neologisms he made up himself to seem more verbose; he would mock other people as less educated than himself if they did not know said "words".
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