Riko Sena

Riko Sena
Original Name
Romaji Name
Sena Riko
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
184.00 cm
83.00 kg
Blood Type
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Popularity # 43216
Like # 42512
Trash # 43955

Older of the two Sena Sisters. Defeat Means Friendship: Losing to Lee is enough to earn her Riko's respect, to point of cheering her on during her match against Hina, and even hanging out with her after the tournament. Dumb Muscle: It is extremely common for her to barely understand whatever point her sister is making, and it becomes something of a Running Gag that she will simply nod along, in reality being completely confused. Riku: Don't treat me like I'm a cretin, Iori. Right sis? Riko (Thinking to herself): Cretin? Creatine? Force and Finesse: The Force to Yuzuha's Finesse. She relied more on her sheer brute strength and combat instincts lacking any fancy fighting techniques. Literal-Minded: Comes off as this a lot when she doesn't really understand her sister bringing up certain terms. Muscles Are Meaningful: Compared to her sister, Riko is notably slower, but her larger frame lets her shrug off almost any hit and makes it extremely hard to even make her flinch without a strike with a lot of force behind it. Smart Jerk and Nice Moron: Has this dynamic with her smarter, potty-mouthed sister. Unskilled, but Strong: Comparatively unskilled as despite her greater physical strength, her bulk actually works against her and she has far less maneuverability than Lee, resulting in Riko getting rung out.

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