Ruby Skube

Ruby Skube
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Popularity # 41586
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Ruby Skube is a character appearing in the 13th episode of Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar. Ruby initially appears as a very beautiful young blonde woman. She posts an ad requesting adventurers capable of returning a large diamond to her. Kerubim and his rival Indie responds to the ad and, not knowing how to decide between them, hires them both. She pays half straight away, and the rest to whichever of them brings back the diamond. She eventually receives the diamond from a small Sram who had stole it while Kerubim and Indie were preoccupied with one-another. She removes her disguise of a rich fragile blonde girl, revealing her true appearance of a girl with red hair and horns. She then summons the Crackler with the diamond and crushes the Sram as payment. It is revealed that this young girl suffers from a complex. When she was young, she was unable to make powerful invocations and her teacher humiliated her in front of the whole class by making fun of her difficulties. Now she intends to use the Crackler to go after her and everyone else who laughed at her. Kerubim manages to stop it by reading the formula written on the diamond which allows you to send the Crackler back where it came from. Ruby 's full name is an allusion to the famous Rubik's Cube. Ruby's pose on the recruitment poster also references the US Army recruitment poster showing Uncle Sam saying "I want you for US Army".

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