Ryōko Sakaki is a 92nd Tōtsuki Generation student and a resident of the Polar Star Dormitory. Ryōko has waist-length fuchsia hair that has split bangs reaching her chest, orange eyes, a slender body figure and a large bust. She wears a standard Tōtsuki uniform depending on the season ad she wears a pure white chef's uniform when she cooks. Four months after the Régiment de Cuisine, Ryoko has cut her hair so that it now only reaches her chin. Ryōko is a gentle and kind member of the Polar Star Dormitory. Compared to her more eccentric dorm-mates, Ryōko is much more level-headed and mature, responding to most situations in a calm and collected manner. She has a tendency to comfort and assist others when they are troubled or upset, namely Yūki Yoshino. Many have likened her to a "big sister" type of personality, mainly some of the female students, who affectionately refer to her as ane-san (lit. Big Sis).
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