Nanamine Sakura is a 3rd-year student at Kamome Academy's High School division. She made a contract with Tsukasa and is now bound to him as his assistant. She is a member of the school's Broadcasting Club. Sakura has green hair styled in an asymmetrical bob cut with very short bangs. She has two pieces of hair left in front of her ears to frame her face, and two more long sections that extend to her chest. She also has two braids that extend from the crown of her head down to her ears. Her eyes are green with yellow flecks. She has notable eyelashes and always has her eyes half-closed, giving her a somewhat drowsy or disinterested look. She wears the school uniform with a red gem brooch above the front bow. Unlike Nene's uniform, Sakura's is long-sleeved. She wears yellow stockings with brown stripes and garters. In the anime, her socks are brown and lack garters. Sakura is noted to be quite beautiful, mainly by Nene. She is said to have a doll like appearance. Sakura also appears to be quite slender and seems to be taller than Nene. Interestingly, both of girls share aesthetic similarities, like their short bangs, brooches, and irregular stockings. During the tea party arc, Sakura is wearing a long, sparkling black dress with long, bishop sleeves. On her sleeves she has two yellow buttons, and seems to be wearing a frilly white undershirt that can be seen peaking out of her sleeves and behind her neckline. On her neck, she also has a matching white cravat with a red gem brooch in the middle of it, just like on her school outfit. She is also wearing boots, which are black in the manga but brown in the anime. When transformed into a male body, she a sharper face, wider shoulders and burlier legs and arms. She is also generally taller and somewhat more muscly. Her eyes are smaller and without eyelashes, and her hair is a lot shorter, with two long chunks of hair on either side of her face. During the chapter, she request a male uniform, which is a standard kamone gakuen male uniform, but with her signature red gem brooch. In Chapter 103, Sakura dons the costume of a Maid as part of Class 3-B's Maid and Butler Cafe exhibit. She still wears the same stockings and garters as her school uniform, but with the rest of her outfit being a short-skirt maid costume. She has a ribbon on the back of her costume, and wears a fluffy headband on her head. Her signature red gem brooch is located above the collar, as it is in the rest of her outfits. Sakura seems to be an aloof person, and as such does not show much emotion. She rarely changes expressions from her usual deadpan appearance, although she does break this trend in order to smile during her first meeting with Nene and when she becomes annoyed with Natsuhiko and Tsukasa. For the most part she seems to deal with her involvement in the supernatural by simply detaching her emotions from it, for example thinking of Tsukasa as little more than a cat. She finds many of Tsukasa's actions distasteful, but has to listen to them regardless. She enjoys Yashiro Nene's company and treats her with hospitality and kindness, but is also willing to double cross her at Tsukasa's behest, indicating she may not be terribly honest. While she may legitimately desire Nene's friendship, she also seems to keep herself distant in order to carry out Tsukasa's requests.
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