Sakuragi Naruha, known as Naru to her comrades, is a character introduced in Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator. She is a powerful esper that allows her to manipulate paper and is a member of Scavenger. Naru is a young girl with purple hair (depicted as having pinkish hair in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T anime), that wears a variation of a maid and bunny costume, with thigh-high socks, detached cuffs, a maid headband, and a bunny tail at the back. Including her shoes, socks, and the umbrella she carries, the entirety of her costume is made of paper somehow made wearable by her powers. Her costume made of paper has two variations: the first being short-sleeved and having skimpy shorts while the second one are long-sleeved and has a skirt instead. She can intetchange between those two variations of her costume using her powers. Her hair is shoulder length, and below her left eye is a tattoo of a skull. She is shown to be one of the more childish members of the group. She is described by one of her teammates that she has never seen Naru praise someone. Like all members of Scavenger, she does her job of killing people and destroying things without remorse or guilt, willing to eliminate those who get in the way. Moreover, she also hates teachers and believes them to be the source of evil in the city. She also seems unconcerned with being exposed, as shown when she dons her "paper powered armor" that exposes much of her torso with only small pieces of paper covering her private parts. She has no reluctance baring her skin in front of others but she is not an exhibitionist. She apparently enjoys visiting art museums and likes three-dimensional exhibits. Naru didn't originally believe in occult things like horoscopes. However, she started believing in them after she received an extremely negative horoscope in the same week as Scavenger's defeat by Accelerator.
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