Sakurai Jun (桜井純 Sakurai Jun?) is an anime-original character who debuted in the Silent Party Arc of the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S anime series. Sakurai is the only female member of STUDY. Sakurai, not unlike the other members of STUDY, so far only seems to care about showing Academy City their power (which is actually STUDY's desire to show that it is possible to create artificial Espers, albeit it was considered a mere hypothesis, even by the likes of Therestina Kihara Lifeline). One unique trait she doesn't share with her colleagues is that she wasn't shown pushing her glasses in moments of confidence, suggesting that she is a calmer character amongst her more haughty associates. However, she may become hysterical when faced with a critical situation that is out of her control. Of all Haruki's colleagues, Jun seems to be closest to him, adding a -kun honorific to his family name.
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