Samuel Seo Husbando

Samuel Seo
Original Name
Seo Seongeun
Romaji Name
Place of Origin
South Korea
Date of Birth
195.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 35579
Like # 33046
Trash # 42172

Samuel Seo is introduced appearing sophisticated and more mature than his actual age. He has fair skin, with a strong V-Shaped jawline and dark, narrow eyes. His figure is extremely muscular, with a more prominent, broader chest and arms than a majority of characters. His black hair is combed back neatly, and he wears slender, rectangular glasses. He is revealed to bear tattoos, consisting of Sak Yant and images of various objects. He is considered to be attractive by societal standards, as Amy notes. His standard work attire consists of a clean white suit with a blue tie, occasionally with a brown overcoat draped over his shoulders. He covers his exposed skin, such as his neck and hands, with makeup to cover his tattoos. Outside of work, he is also seen wearing other variations of fashionable matching suits. He isn't as cleaned up, with messy hair that sweeps over his face and rolled sleeves. Samuel is notable for his continual creation of bizarre and extreme facial expressions representing his current emotion and his numerous moments of fanservice where he is shown wearing little to no clothing. When dealing with the general public, he presents a façade of being a well-mannered, charming, young man. He is noted by Daniel to be sarcastic, although there have been no other confirmations of this. Beneath it is a man who is cold-hearted and ruthless. In regards to business matters, Samuel believes that the ends justify the means and will do whatever it takes to get ahead. He does this through various illegal and underhanded methods such as illegal streaming through forced labor contracts and obtaining monetary loans through false promises. Despite his arrogant and sadistic attitude, he is shown to have some insecurities that stem from his birth origins. He harbors an inferiority complex that causes him to fly into a rage when he feels he is not being respected or undermined. This is especially the case in situations where Jake is involved.

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