Sasha Buckler

Sasha Buckler
Original Name
羽美野 翔子
Romaji Name
Shōko Umino
Appears In
Ace Attorney
Place of Origin
Date of Birth
160.00 cm
Blood Type
Submitted By
Popularity # 12571
Like # 12047
Trash # 14391

Sasha Buckler is an orca trainer at the pirate-themed Shipshape Aquarium. She performs in the aquarium's "Swashbuckler Spectacular" show with her trained orca, Orla Shipley. Sasha Buckler is enthusiastic and cheerful, with such a strong enthusiasm for her work that she often slips into her pirate character, even during a trial. Another habit of hers is using puns in her speech involving names of aquatic animals (e.g., "You min-now" it!"). She treats both orca partners like sisters and goes to great lengths to protect them. Despite incidents like Orla squeezing her so hard that she was unable to use her whistle, she continues to believe that the orcas are not dangerous, even when nobody else shares her faith in them. However, Buckler's positive and friendly outlook was not restricted to the orcas, as she tried her best to be helpful to her defense team at the Wright Anything Agency, and insisted on referring to them by their given names. She was repaid with the lawyers' sheer resolve, which moved her to tears. She also forgave Marlon Rimes for his crimes, holding no bitterness against him for his attempts to kill Orla.

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