Serena Rinnen is a Regular who passed most of the tests on the Second Floor and was assigned the Scout position. She ended up failing the Floor. She was a plain, ordinary looking woman with brown hair, brown eyes and an ample bust. She wore a plain brown dress-like garment and wielded a small knife. Upon first coming to the Tower, she was determined to gain power in order to stop anyone who would get in her way and with a resolve never to be as helpless as she was when her friends died. However, once observing Team A's resolve and being part of an existence greater than the individual, she felt repulsed at her past actions. When she witnessed the fight between Androssi and Quant, she then resolved to try harder in life, instead of cowering when things were taken from her so that she might find a reason to live, something she didn't have when she first came into the Tower.
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