Shahra, also known as the Genie of the Ring, is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is a special, eager young genie from the world of the Arabian Nights who enlisted the help of Sonic to the ambitions of the Erazor Djinn. Shahra is a kind-hearted and friendly person. Shahra acts courteous, loyal, and obedient to whoever her current master is. Shahra is also very formal, constantly calling Sonic “master”, despite him constantly telling her not to. However, Shahra was once in love with Erazor Djinn, and desperate to make him love her back. To this end, her love for Erazor led her to perform immoral acts, assisting him in his plan to escape the World of the Arabian nights and helping to manipulate Sonic into gathering the World Rings for him. However, Sonic showing her kindness caused her to feel very guilty about betraying him, and she came to see that Erazor was a terrible person and sacrificed her own life to save Sonic from being killed by Erazor, showing herself to be very selfless and ultimately a good person.
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