
Original Name
Romaji Name
Place of Origin
Alma Torran
Date of Birth
Blood Type
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Popularity # 4165
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Trash # 6747

Sheba was a Magician from Alma Torran and one of the wielders of the 72 Divine Staves. She was also one of the former Magi from Alma Torran. She took over as Queen of Alma Torran after Solomon fused his Rukh with Ill Ilah. Nevertheless, she was later killed by Arba, and had her Divine Staff stolen. The baby in her womb, Aladdin, survived. Sheba is a short girl with a petite build. She has red eyes and long, straight pink hair that reaches down to her hip, with two thick hair braids standing on the top sides of her head that have the appearance of small horns. She wears a long, light-colored dress with short sleeves that exposes her collar bones. Sheba also carries her Divine Staff around. Sheba used to have a narrow-minded view of the world as she was being raised, believing everything to be impure. She had a bit of a short temper with Solomon and grew rather violent when she felt threatened. However, she is shown to have a softer side as she became friends with Momo and cried out in anger when other Magicians from the Orthodox Church were going to attack her friend as she protected him with her Borg. Five years later, Sheba seems to have a more open and confident personality as she talks more to Ugo and the others. She becomes very happy and enthusiastic whenever Solomon talks to her and she once giddily wondered if he would praise her for her work. She is very loyal to Solomon and understands him the most in his decision to become the king while trying his best to bring happiness to everyone. Even as the others magicians attempted to defy Solomon for replacing Ill Ilah, she supported him and remained loyal to him.

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