
Original Name
Romaji Name
Appears In
Kim Possible
Place of Origin
Multiple transient lairs
Date of Birth
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Popularity # 3661
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Trash # 10593

Shego is a villainess who operates as a criminal mercenary, working for Dr. Drakken as his chief enforcer and henchman. Since her main duty to Drakken entails stealing things on his request and protecting him from harm, she frequently engages Team Possible in battle, and although she is under contract with the scientist, Shego has occasionally worked with other villains as well, including Motor Ed and Señor Senior, Junior. Shego is a tall, beautiful, hourglass-figured and faded light green-skinned woman. She sports long, black hip-length hair with noticeable light green accents, forest-green eyes and arched-styled brows, and her lips are naturally a black in color. In terms of attire, Shego is always seen with a green-black color scheme; her signature attire consists of a full-length, tight-fitting high-collared catsuit that sported an asymmetrical harlequin-pattern that is colored in black and bright light green. She also wore one glove and one boot of each color, and an accessorized utility pouch which is strapped around her lower left leg. Shego has an explosive temper, and is known to react with violence, or at least the threat of it, over even slight offenses, depending on the person responsible. Shego typically has a very abrasive nature, in that she enjoys teasing or outright insulting those around her. While some of this is lighthearted and, in many cases, simply a way for her to pass the time, she seems to enjoy the constant putting down of her preferred targets: Dr. Drakken, Kim Possible, and Ron Stoppable. All three provide constant sources of irritation for her, Drakken with his either overly complex or seriously under-thought plans, and Team Possible because they manage to disrupt or defeat her repeatedly. But while her treatment of Drakken is based more on how easy he is to insult, she views Kim more like a heated rival, and Ron as a momentary distraction at best. Shego appears to take a great deal of pride and enjoyment in being evil. She is, according to several characters and HenchCo.'s Check Your Badness Level device, both eviler than Drakken, and has been shown to be a far greater threat to the world at large than him, despite her repeatedly being labeled as his sidekick. Many of Drakken's plans are so frustrating to Shego simply because they are not evil enough. In comparison to her, Drakken is more of a playground bully, as his plans had revolved around lashing out specifically at those he feels have wronged him, rather than actually trying to take over the world. As a result, she repeatedly reaches the point where she loses her patience with him and storms out to cool off for a while before returning to work. Despite usually being more evil than Drakken, Shego has, at some degree, a higher moral compass than him, as she was completely against Drakken and Motor Ed's plan on stealing Felix's wheelchair for their Doomvee and, although she still went along with it, she was still greatly displeased at how low Drakken went. While on Christmas vacation, she offers to pay a resort attendant with her credit card, only to find that Drakken paid fully for her vacation, which she expresses gratitude towards him. She refuses to breach her contract which forbids any use of her DNA when Drakken proposes the idea of cloning her. She expressed great disbelief and disappointment in Kim for lying to her parents and Ron. She also seemed to genuinely care for Drakken's mother as she showed concern for her well-being when Drakken accidentally left her behind on a train, in addition, to never expressing her true nature towards her. Furthermore, Shego has shown some level of concern for animals as she felt what happened to the fish in the Great Lakes after they were drained was important and she had once lectured Drakken on taking care of his dog, Commodore Puddles. During the two times when she was dropped into water tanks with dangerous animals, she did not use her powers to fight or escape them. When Señor Senior Jr. broke her out of prison to help him commit a series of crimes in honor of his father's birthday, she expresses gratitude towards him.

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