Shouta Magatsuchi is a supporting character in Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon and one of the main characters in Kobayashi-san-chi no Maid Dragon: Lucoa wa Boku no xx Desu. He is a young boy born into a family of mages in the modern world. Shouta is an elementary school boy with both purple hair and eyes, his bangs reach well below his eyebrows. His appearance looks somewhat androgynous. Shouta is quite a shy person most of the time when being with Lucoa. When Lucoa attempts to seduce Shouta, he would run away with embarrassment and accuse Lucoa of being a demon. Shouta is arguably the most "normal" of the kids, and is generally honest, very mature for his age, and well-meaning. Shouta is generally the most tender and sensitive of the characters
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